
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Making paalappams was a laborious process before the mixie and grinder became popular. As the name suggests it is made by mixing coconut milk and batter fermented with toddy or yeast. Its lace like border has earned it names like lace appm and rentha appam.
I usually make  paalappam in the traditional way. At times when there is shortage of time I go for the easy method though. It takes less than 15 minutes to make the batter and if you are using instant yeast it will ferment in 1 hour.


1. Raw  rice - 1 cup
2. Cooked rice - 1/2 cup
3. Coconut milk powder - 2 table spoon
4. Sugar - 1 table spoon
5. Instant yeast - 1 tea spoon
6. Salt - 1/2 tea spoon
7. Nallenna (sesame oil) - 1 tea sp


Soak the rice for 1 hour Grind the cooked rice adding a little water. To this add salt, sugar and coconut milk powder and grind well. Keep this aside.

Grind the raw rice with minimum water. Add the cooked rice mix and grind again to get a fine paste. Pour into a bowl , add yeast and mix the batter with hand for 3-4 minutes The consistency of the batter should be that of dosa maavu. Keep in a warm place for 1-2 hours.

The old fashioned Cheena chatti or appachatti is used to make paalappam. Smear the appachatti with a little oil using a cloth. Pour 1/2 a cup of batter and turn the chatti so as to get a round shape with more batter in the center. Turn the heat to medium, close with a lid and cook for 1-2 minutes, checking in between. When the upper side is dry with the sides resembling  a lace the appam is ready. Serve it with vegetable stew or kuruma

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