
Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Making mixture is easy eventhough it takes a lot of time. It is better to keep all the ingredients ready before starting the actual cooking. Different types of mixtures can be prepared by changing the ingredients.


1. Kadalamavu (besan flour) - 21/2 cups
2. Ajwain - 1 tea spoon (optional)
3. Asafoetida - 1/2 tea spoon
4. Chilli powder - 3 tea spoon
5. Butter/Dalda - 1 tea spoon
6. Rice powder - 2 table spoon
7. Potato - 1 medium
8. Cashewnut - 1/4 cup
9. Ground nut - 1/4 cup
10. Pottu kadala - 1/4 cup
11. Thick aval (poha) - 1/4 cup
12. Curry leaves
13. Oil
14. salt


1. To make boondi

 Mix 1/2 cup besan with water to get a loose batter

2. Omappodi/sev

Mix 2 cups besan flour, rice powder, powdered ajwain (optional), 1 tea spoon chilli powder,salt and butter. Add a little water and knead to get a uniform dough. (not toohard or too soft). Fill this in a sevanazhi.

I(f no ajwain is  used add 1/4 tea spoon asafoetida)

3. Skin and slice the potato. The pieces should be thin and medium sized.

4. Heat oil in a wide pan. Check whether the oil is hot enough by putting 1 drop of the boondi batter in it If the boondi comes up immediately the oil is ready.

5. A kannaappa (slotted spoon) is required to make boondi. Usually a special kannappa called "laadoo kannaappa" is used to make boondis. The normal slotted spoon is also fine.

Place the slotted spoon above the hot oil and place some boondi batter on it. Spread it with a spoon. Drops of the batter will fall into the oil. Fry them and transfer to a kitchen towel using another slotted spoon

6. Hold the sevanazhi (with the sev dough) above the oil.Squeeze the sev till it fills the whole oil. Fry it for some time and flip. When both sides are done transfer to a kitchen towel. Repeat the process till all the dough is used up.

7. Break the sev into small pieces and transfer to a big bowl along with the boondi 

8. Fry the potato, cashewnut, groundnut, pottukadala, aval and curry leaves one by one . Allow the oil to drain and add to the sev.

9. Add the remaining salt, chilli powder and asafoetida. Toss well and mix.

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