
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


This recipe is similar to that of Gobi Manchurian, but easier. The main difference is the presence of tomato sauce in the batter which gives it a deep red colour.


1. Cauluflower (med) - 1
2. For the batter - Corn flour - 1/4 cup, maida - 1/4 cup. tomato sauce - 1 table   spoon,   Kashmiri chilli powder - 1 tea spoon, pepper powder - 1 pinch, salt
3. Oil
4. Ginger - 1/2 " cube
5. Garlic - 3-4 cloves
6. Onion - 1 (small)
7. Green bell pepper - 1 small
8. Green chilly - 1 (optional)
9. Tomato sauce - 2 table spoon
10. Chilly sauce - 1 table spoon
11. Vinegar - 1 tea spoon
12. Sugar - 1 pinch
13. Salt
14. Pepper powder - 1/2 tea spoon
15. Spring onion - 1 table spoon


1. Mix items no. 2 with water to get a loose batter
2. Wash and cut cauliflower into florets (med size).
Put them into the batter, (a handful at a time) mix well and fry. Spread on a paper towel. repeat frying till the florets are finished.
 Keep only one tab sp oil in the pan

3. Crush ginger and garlic. Chop the green chilly and spring onion.
Quarter the onion and bell pepper and cut horizontally (or dice)

4.Heat the oil and saute the ginger and garlic. Add onion, bell pepper and chilli and saute again (med high heat) till soft and crunchy.Reduce heat to low, add sauces, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper and stir for a minute. Switch off stove, add the cauli flower and stir well. Add spring onion and stir again

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