
Sunday, March 11, 2012


Olan is an essential item on the Kerala sadya menu. It can be prepared with ash gourd (kumbalanga) alone or with ash gourd and red gram (van payar) or with ash gourd, pumpkin and string beans. Raw banana also is added to olan in some parts of North Kerala.


1. Ash gourd - 400 gm
2. Red gram - 1/4 cup
3. Grated coconut - 1 cup
4. Green chillis - 2
5. Salt
6. Curry leaves - 2 sprigs
7. coconut oil - 2 tea sp


1. Remove skin and seeds and cut ash gourd into 1"squares (2 mm thick). Add 1/4 cup water and split green chillis and cook.

2. Extract thick coconut (onnaam pal) milk by adding 1/2 cup water to the coconut and running in the mixie for 5 seconds. Repeat the process to get thin coconut milk (randaam pal).

3. Pressure cook red gram for 10 minutes.

4. When the ash gourd is almost done add thin coconut milk, cook for some time,  add red gram and cook again.

5. Add salt and thick coconut milk. Stir and remove from fire.

6. Add coconut oil and curry leaves. Keep covered for 10 minutes. Mix gently.

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